Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ, Converted to My Religion E-Kuan-Tao in 2009

On May 27, 2009 the Physics Nobel Prize (1976) winner Ding Zhaozhong's 丁肇中 younger female cousin Ding Zhaoyi 丁肇儀 visited me. She told me that her father who was a Christian had just died about thirty days, and she requested me to tell her whether her father's soul had gone into the Christian Heaven or not. I ordered her to close her eyes and meditate on the face of her father and call her father to come to my E-Kuan-Tao Good News Center, Hsinchu. When her father's soul came to my office, I asked him whether he had gone into the Christian Heaven or not. He said he had not been tried yet. Then he requested me to send him to the Christian Heaven. I called Jesus by telekinesis to my office. First of all I asked him if he had ever been tortured on the cross? He replied that he had not, but his cousin posing for him had. I asked Jesus if he could take the soul...