137 Overseas Catholic & Christian Gods and Goddesses Have Found Mr. Kuo Cheng-chung to Accept God Ming Ming Shang Dih's Energy to Heaven Liitian to Carry Out Further Study in the Truth

In August, 2015 Ming Ming Shang Dih (God name of the religion E-Kuan-Tao) dismantled the two heavenly Paradises which belong to Catholicism and Christianity. On 2017.4.16. Miss Huang Pei-ting 黃沛婷, who lived near Yiyong Temple 義勇廟, Xinpu Town 新埔鎮, Hsinchu County 新竹縣 and sold coffee on Claire & Nini Cafe on the Internet, met E-Kuan-Taoist Kuo Cheng-chung , and since then she have seen the colored light from the gods and goddesses of Catholicism and Christianity , who visited Huang Pei-Ting's house at night for many times. They said they wanted to find E-Kuan-Taoist Kuo Cheng-chung through her . She called Kuo Cheng- chung, and then Mr. Kuo called them to his house, they said to ask the savior Kuo Cheng-chung to send them to carry out further study at Ming Tong University, i...