
About the Author

The author is Kuo Chengchung (Cheng Chung Kuo) , and he was born in Taiwan in 1961. In 1976, he was admitted to the provincial Hsinchu High School. He was one of the junior brothers in the school of Dr. Lee Yuantseh who won the 1976 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Since 1979, he has practiced numerology, geomancy, and spells. In 1981, he was converted into E-Kuan-Tao (religion name). In the same year his article " The First Show of the Natural Excellent Structures of the Ba Zi numerology  天然貴局初覽  ( 八字命理 ) " was published in the 15th issue of  Tianran Magazine 天然雜誌 . And he was enrolled in the magazine's auther list of internationally renowned scholar camp which includes the following: Wei Juxian  衛聚賢 , Zhang Qiyun  張其昀 , Zhao Yabo  趙雅博 , Huang Dashou  黃大受  and so on. In 1984, he founded the theological Training Theory【磨煉說】. In 1985, all his books  An Outline of E-Kuan-Tao 一貫道大綱  ,  ...

Pope Francis Was Wrong to Say That Homosexuals Are Jehovah to Let Them Do Homosexual Behavior , Ming Ming Shang Dih Ordered to Punish Pope Francis

  https://hk.thenewslens.com/article/96082 )       Juan Carlos Cruz was sexually assaulted by a Chilean priest, and someone used his sexual orientation to refer to him as  a rumormonger . When he met with Pope Francis, Cruz said he was a homosexual. The Pope replied: "Juan Carlos, you are a homosexual. This is not a problem at all. Jehovah let you do a homosexual and He loves you. I don't care if you are a homosexual. The Pope loves you. You must be happy to be yourself."        At 03:40 pm on January 3, 2019, o n the high-speed train from Hsinchu to Taipei, Taiwan, I invited the three spirits of Jehovah , Jesus, and Maria into the compartment. I asked them about their views on homosexuality. They all sayed that homosexual love does not come from their meaning. They did not approve of homosexuality, and they opposed the wrong behavior of homosexuality. They wanted me to publicize this information to the world.   ...

Thinking in the Silent Night ( poem, by Lii Bai )

Glorious moonlight before the w ell platform   I actually think of it as frost on the ground                 I look up the bright moon     Then I bow down to miss my hometown Translated by Kuo Cheng-chung  Collected by E-KUAN-TAO MUSEUM

Sunflowers Smiled in the Sunshine at Xiangyang Farm

       In the morning of June 28, 2018, I drove to Xiangyang Farm in Taoyuan and admired the blooming sunflowers. The weather was clear and nice. Boys and girls in pairs, who were searching more beautiful flowers and frolicking there. The bee collecting honey stopped at the flower heart. Several fields of yellow sunflowers smiled cheerfully to the east. All the  sunflowers  were glamorous, spiritual and  swell.        The goddess Wen Rou 文柔女史 , who came with me, admired this scene and wrote a poem as follow:                                師榕紝世    蓉仍蕊汭紝  辸溶人仍曧  施世瑢榮申  世礽縙陾嵤                    Master  Kuo P reaches Chicly to Help the World         With the Truth, benefiting and leading the spirits of everything  ...

If You Do Not Pursue the Answer to Whether Jesus Died on the Cross, Your Wisdom Is Shallow

       All who have read my articles which about the facts that Jesus did not die on the cross and fled to Japan, so both the Christian heaven and the Catholic heaven were abolished by Ming Ming Shang Dih (god name) , if they are Christians and Catholics, whose hearts are not watchful and who do not want to seek the truth of Jesus' fleeing to Japan, they are not seeking progress, and their wisdom is relatively shallow.  by Cheng Chung Kuo

I Show You Many Photos of Artificial Buildings on the Planets Mercury, Venus and Mars and the Moon, the Jupiter II & III Satellites, and a Satellite of Saturn Here

A1: Two buildings (a & b) on the edge of Basho Crater on Mercury   http://share.iclient.ifeng.com/house/shareNews?aid=119286548&channelId=   a: A rectangular building b: A 8 km high tower building  A2: A big  building  on Mercury   v.ku6.com A3: Two base buildings on Mercury   http://www.t-xxx.com/modules/pico/index.php?content_id=5 ................................................................................................................................ B1: Buildings on Venus  http://yokozuna.link B2: Buildings on Venus   http://mnsatlas.com/?p=2033 B3: A pyramid on Venus    big.china.com B4:  A pyramid on Venus   http://www.t-xxx.com/ B5: A palace-shaped building on Venus   http://www.t-xxx.com/ B6: Buildings on Venus   http://www.t-xxx.com/ ..............................................