About the Author
The author is Kuo Chengchung (Cheng Chung Kuo) , and he was born in Taiwan in 1961.
In 1976, he was admitted to the provincial Hsinchu High School.
He was one of the junior brothers in the school of Dr. Lee Yuantseh who won the 1976 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Since 1979, he has practiced numerology, geomancy, and spells.
In 1981, he was converted into E-Kuan-Tao (religion name).
In the same year his article " The First Show of the Natural Excellent Structures of the Ba Zi numerology 天然貴局初覽 (八字命理) " was published in the 15th issue of Tianran Magazine 天然雜誌. And he was enrolled in the magazine's auther list of internationally renowned scholar camp which includes the following: Wei Juxian 衛聚賢, Zhang Qiyun 張其昀, Zhao Yabo 趙雅博, Huang Dashou 黃大受 and so on.
In 1984, he founded the theological Training Theory【磨煉說】.
In 1985, all his books An Outline of E-Kuan-Tao 一貫道大綱 , The Good News of E-Kuan-Tao 一貫道佳音 , and Ba Zi Qian Qiu 八字千秋 were published. And all the Library of Congress, the Yale University Library and the Cornell University Library wrote to the Central Library of the Republic of China or New Books Bibliographies Office, Taipei, to ask for the book An Outline of E-Kuan-Tao. His theological Training Theory was shown in the book An Outline of E-Kuan-Tao.
In the same year, he published the article " Calling on the Central Committee to Officially Remove the Ban on the Religion E-Kuan-Tao 籲請中央正式解除一貫道禁令 " in the book The Good News of E-Kuan-Tao. And 2 years later, the Central Committee officially removed the ban on the religion E-Kuan-Tao.
In 1986, he founded the E-Kuan-Tao Good News Center to promote the teachings of the religionE-Kuan-Tao in newspapers, magazines, and the internet in the future.
In the Christmas of the same year, The presentation notice of his article "The Fundamental Mistake of Catholic and Christian Doctrins基督教教義在邏輯上站不住腳(耶教教義之基本矛盾) " was shown in the front page of Self-reliance Evening News 自立晚報. And then Christian Presbyterian Church Tainan Theological Seminary Library wrote to him to request 10 copies of the text, and he was more curious to call the Library to ask why so many copies were requested? The answer from the library was to give the seminary teachers to see if they could answer the questions raised in the article? After reading the article, the seminary teachers seemed unable to answer the questions raised in the article.
In 2001, he established the E-Kuan-Tao Museum which promoted the artistic beauty of Chinese culture such as ceramics, bronze, jade and painting on the internet.
In 2006, his book GLORIOUS ART TREASURES OF CHINA 曠世鉅藏 was published.
In 2008, his book GLORIOUS ART TREASURES OF CHINA II 曠世鉅藏II was published.
About 2008, Professor of the Department of Physics (2011~), concurrently director of the Department and Director of the Institute of Physics (2008~2011) of National Chung Cheng University Wei Taihuei 魏台輝 agreed with his argument on the Traning Theory.
In 2009, Professor of the Department of Information Engineering (2009~), concurrently director of the Department (2012~2016) and Associate Dean of Science College (2014~2015) of National Taiwan Normal University Hwang Gwanhwan 黃冠寰 agreed with his argument on the Traning Theory.
In 2012, he was appointed as the chief leader of the religion E-Kuan-Tao by Ming Ming Shang Dih (God Name).
by Kuo Chengchung