In the Book Les Centuries, Nostradamus ( Michel de Nostredame ) Prophesied the Appearance of the Great Saviour CHENG CHUNG KUO

Nostradamus ( Michel de Nostredame ) A In 1555, French prophet Nostradamus published his book Les Centuries . B In the book Les Centuries , Nostradamus prophesied that a great personage named P AU NA Y L OR ON would appear. And 214 years later, NAP O L E ON BONAPARTE appeared. C In the book Les Centuries , Nostradamus prophesied that a great personage named H YS TER would appear. And 334 years later, ADOLF H I T L ER appeared. D In the book Les Centuries , Nostradamus prophesied that the great saviour named CH YR EN would appear. And 406 years later, CHEN G CH U N G KUO, that's me, appeared. by Cheng Chung Kuo