
目前顯示的是 4月, 2017的文章

In the Book Les Centuries, Nostradamus ( Michel de Nostredame ) Prophesied the Appearance of the Great Saviour CHENG CHUNG KUO

 Nostradamus ( Michel de Nostredame )                                     http://mysteryhistory.tv/dec-14-1503-michel-de-nostredame-aka-nostradamus-is-born/ A In 1555, French prophet Nostradamus published his book Les Centuries . B In the book Les Centuries , Nostradamus prophesied that a great personage named P AU NA Y L OR ON would appear. And 214 years later, NAP O L E ON BONAPARTE appeared. C In the book Les Centuries , Nostradamus prophesied that a great personage named H YS TER would appear. And 334 years later, ADOLF H I T L ER  appeared. D In the book Les Centuries , Nostradamus prophesied that the great saviour named CH YR EN would appear. And 406 years later, CHEN G CH U N G KUO, that's me, appeared. by Cheng Chung Kuo

The Fundamental Mistake of Catholic and Christian Doctrines

     "At first God created the heavens and the earth." This is the first sentence of the Bible. Catholic and Christian doctrine argues that God is the only Creator outside the world (The world just is the great universe that contains many small universes.) . He made all things (including the heavens and the earth) from nothing. The all things that God had created were not made from a part or several parts of God Himself. So Catholic and Christian believers oppose "God is the world, the whole world is God ,    and God does not go beyond the world." that pantheism has advocated.       From the above-mentioned Catholic and Christian doctrines, I found a big mistake that was not easily perceived. And the mistake was as follows: Catholic and Christian doctrines say "At first God created the heavens and the earth." . I will ask: " Then where did God place the heavens and the earth? If He place them in the void, then who created the void? If t...

Ming Ming Shang Dih ( God Name ) Abolished the Two Heavenly Paradises of Catholicism and Christianity

      In the April 14, 2014 Spring Ceremony of E-Kuan-Tao ( religion name ) Tianran Sanctuary Jesus told the gods by writing words   that he had not been martyred on the cross, but that his disciple had impersonated him and died on the cross.      In the July 30, 2015 Summer Ceremony of E-Kuan-Tao Tianran Sanctuary Ming Ming Shang Dih said  by writing words  "  ( When the Roman soldiers were going to catch Jesus ,  ) Jesus was afraid of being crucified with martyrdom and then fled to Japan, and lived in the mountains. H is sage status will be rejected  because of  the above acts . Although both Catholicism and Christianity, which Jesus' soul had long preached, had a long history, but the life deeds of Jesus, the most fascinating and admirable leader, were falsely faked. And now, I want to abolish the two heavenly Paradises which belong to Catholicism and  Christianity. "       ...

Jesus Answered Me That He Was Not Martyrdom on the Cross and Judah Wanted Me to Announce the Truth on the Internet

1 Because before 2009 I had read the local documentary record of Japan that Jesus did not martyrdom on the cross, but his cousin posing him on the cross, so I invited Jesus’ soul to E-Kuan-Tao Good News Center on May 27th, 2009, and I asked him if he was martyrdom on the cross? He replied not him, but his cousin. 2 At 12:30 am on February 12th, 2014, the Christian Presbyterian Church believer Mr. Weijiang Fang saw the white light flash in the bedroom at home in Hsinchu. In the evening of February 13th, Mr. Fang told me about the above- mentioned things when I was on a high-speed train from Taipei to Hsinchu, and I was informed by the god Hwang who launched the light was a disciple of Jesus. At 11:50 pm on February 14th, I invited the soul of the disciple of Jesus to my house, he told me that he was Judah who claimed to have been scolded for having sold Jesus for two thousand years. Judah said that the cousin of Jesus faked Jesus, and Judah told the Roman soldiers that the...

I May Be the Saviour

       New Testament Revelation Chapter 19 records: ... And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon  him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses ,clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he bath on his vesture and on thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS...     In the above texts, the prophecy of the late Saviour (KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS) appears to be the name of "Faithful...

Ming Ming Shang Dih ( God Name ) Made a Comment on My Training Theory

        Ming Ming Shang Dih  c ommented on my  Training Theory  on Nobember 7, 2012 at 08:05 am:           The precious doctrine was created.         琳莪得值                                  by  Cheng Chung Kuo    

Please Visit My Blogger and Smell the Flowers of the Truth

    I am the gull who flies highest to see farthest in  the world of the truth.   I introduced     Training Theory to developed the truth of the great universe in 1985 .     I opened a new school called the   Ming Toong Dah Shyue    in Liitian ( Liitian  is the best heaven in the  great universe. ) in 2005.     Please visit my blogger and smell the flowers of the  truth.                                by Cheng Chung Kuo                                                        

A Book Is a Life

     I think a book is a life. I  guess  you know what it means?                 by  Chen Chung Kuo

My 3 Important Articles

"The Messiah's Training Theory"   http://h5668.pixnet.net/blog/post/31480310 "The Most Important Doctrine in Christian Beliefs Is Not Logical"                                                          http://h5668.pixnet.net/blog/post/27801043                       "The Messiah Answers the Question Which Troubled Sakyamuni So Much"                                                     http://h5668.pixnet.net/blog/post/27811689                                                 by Cheng Chung Kuo

Christians Must Know That ...

                                   by                Cheng Chung Kuo 1   Jesus Christ never be caught  to be executed  upon the cross , but his cousin who disguised himself as  Jesus Christ was  caught  upon  the  cross .     Please read my  doctrine ( http://h5668. pixnet. net/ blog/ post/37321894 ),  and  you can get the true  story.   2   The instruction of Christianity said that evils were swayed by Satan. Let me ask christians a question: D id  God produce Satan? If God did not produce Satan,  and then who produced him ?     I think that evils were  swayed  by  Ming Ming Shang Dih who is the biggest god in the  world. Please read my doc trine  Training...

Training Theory

             by Cheng Chung Kuo     in Fall, 1984          R.O.C. Training Theory CHAPTER I 1  In the beginning, the great universe was a body of reality without form and creation. Ming Ming Shang Dih was its name. He (It/She) lived a happy life. 2  After a long, long time, He wanted to train Himself with sufferings for fear that the long nice life which He had lived would spoil His mind. 3  At the earliest, He created the first force of furling to stir the great universe which was full of energy. At the same time, the original vice appeared to bring Ming Ming Shang Dih the initial sorrow. 4  Then on the other side, the first force of unfurling was born to deal with the initial force of furling. Immediately, the original virtue appeared to bring Ming Ming Shang Dih the initial joy. CHAPTER II 1  As I mentioned above, the two contrary forces woul...