The Fundamental Mistake of Catholic and Christian Doctrines

     "At first God created the heavens and the earth." This is the first sentence of the Bible. Catholic and Christian doctrine argues that God is the only Creator outside the world (The world just is the great universe that contains many small universes.) . He made all things (including the heavens and the earth) from nothing. The all things that God had created were not made from a part or several parts of God Himself. So Catholic and Christian believers oppose "God is the world, the whole world is God,   and God does not go beyond the world." that pantheism has advocated.

      From the above-mentioned Catholic and Christian doctrines, I found a big mistake that was not easily perceived. And the mistake was as follows:

Catholic and Christian doctrines say "At first God created the heavens and the earth." . I will ask: " Then where did God place the heavens and the earth? If He place them in the void, then who created the void? If the void was also created by God before the creation of the heavens and the earth, then the void, where it was placed?

1  If the void was placed in the body of God (God's soul), then the heavens, the earth and the void were integrated with God, rather than being placed outside the body of God . The above argument has fallen into the pantheistic argument that "God is not outside the world". Thus the above argument has violated Catholic and Christian doctrine.

2  If the void was placed ouside the body of God (God's soul), but Catholics and Christians can not answer the question of who created the place where God put the void, or if they answer that God created the place, but they can not answer the question of where God put it. Then it is a very big doubt (Logically untenable.) that Catholic and Christian doctrine of God put all things (including the heavens and the earth) that He had created outside His body.

by Cheng Chung Kuo



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